Digital Advocacy

Here you'll find ways to get involved and see what we've worked on over the years.

Copyright © 2018 Communicate For Health Justice (CFHJ)

How do you communicate for health justice?

#Healthcommunication is an ever-evolving field, where #language norms continuously evolve. Certain terms and phrases, once commonly used, are now considered inappropriate or outdated. It is important to remain mindful of language choices and their potential impact. In this series, we explore how we communicate for health justice.

Follow along on Linkedin or Instagram each month for a new post.

"Our Voices Count” Young Perspectives on Health Justice and Conflict

For young professionals, early careers often mean navigating workplaces that may overlook our voices.

Our latest survey shows how Gen Z and young millennials speak up on key issues, like war and conflict, even in entry-level roles.

This campaign highlights three themes, showcasing young professionals as a powerful, ethical force for change.

Learn more.

Millennial Perceptions on COVID

On January 18th, 2021, Communicate For Health Justice (CFHJ) held a virtual MLK Day of Service with a public health twist. The goal for the day was for each attendee of the Day of Service to talk to one or more family members or friends and ask a few questions to better understand their perceptions about COVID-19.

When less than 20 states are reporting vaccinations by race and ethnicity for the available COVID vaccines, CFHJ urged its followers to ask their local representatives to track vaccinations by race/ethnicity with sample advocacy letters in English and Spanish. As you can understand this is a public health equity issue. Since the pandemic began, Black, Brown, and Indigenous populations have fared disproportionately worse because of long-standing inequalities in our communities.

In April 2022, CFHJ made history by convening the inaugural health communication conference centered entirely on Black perspectives. This groundbreaking event, dubbed #SpeakOnIt, served as a crucial platform for amplifying voices often marginalized in the health communication space. Attendees had the unique opportunity to engage with insightful discussions, innovative strategies, and empowering narratives, all aimed at advancing health equity and justice within Black communities.

Speak On It Summit (2022)

Before you say, "Why is X in healthcare this way?" or "What doesn’t the government currently fund Y in public health?," check out 

Here you can practice your writing and research skills by making a difference on policy issues that matter to YOU! Do your research and submit your comments to let your voice be heard.

"Comment For A Cause"
Lend Your Voice in Federal Decision-Making: Ongoing

At CFHJ, we've led and collaborated on numerous impactful campaigns, from engaging tweetchats to enlightening book clubs. Our Instagram live series’ have featured renowned health justice experts, offering invaluable insights from diverse fields. These initiatives are just a glimpse of our commitment to fostering dialogue and driving change in the realm of social justice & health equity.

Past Campaigns