Distribution Guidelines

At Communicate For Health Justice (CFHJ), we are creating original health communication ideas that center on equity and justice in ways that have never been done before. We are working to center perspectives that are not often seen in mainstream media, and challenge traditional viewpoints in health communication.
To that end, we welcome and encourage other outlets to redistribute our work, subject to the following guidelines:
1. Give Communicate For Health Justice (CFHJ) credit for the piece you republish, in this format: “By [Author Name], Communicate For Health Justice (CFHJ)”.
2. If you publish online, in the first paragraph, link to the original work you’re republishing from cfhj.org.
3. You cannot modify the text of the original story, but you can add additional commentary. If you do so, include a note that says, “Additional commentary by [Outlet]”.
4. At the bottom of the piece, include the following line: “Communicate For Health Justice (CFHJ) is a millennial-driven, Black woman-owned communication platform dedicated to mixing health equity and social justice concepts into health communication editorial content and programs. https://www.cfhj.org/.
5. If you’d like to use any of our media apart from the text of an article—such as cartoons or graphics—please contact us. Email Chelsea Dade, Creator, info@cfhj.org.
6. If you share the story on social media, please mention Communicate For Health Justice (CFHJ): @CFHJ_ on YouTube, @communicateforhealthjustice on Instagram, Linkedin, and Facebook, and @cfhj__ on TikTok.
7. If you republish a concept or blog of ours, please let us know. Email Chelsea Dade, Founder + Owner, info@cfhj.org.