Past Campaigns

Black Womxn & Girls _ A Matter of Public Health (3).jpg


Dec 2018-May 2020

Behold, the "tweetchat." ICYMI, twitter chats or “tweetchats,” are a fun, concise way for platforms like ours to explore large topics in health. From mental health, to nutrition, we've probably engaged in a chat about it online. Check out some of our partner tweetchats with Salud America.


Health Equity Book Club

Jan-May 2020

The purpose of our monthly book club was to bring together people who are passionate about books that center themes of health justice. 

In the summer of racial unrest, CFHJ hosted a Zoom meeting where we discussed one book, rooted in racial justice ideas of health equity from a BIPOC perspective.

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“Safe Spaces” Month

July 2020

The racial injustices of 2020 solidified the general public’s understanding that there are too many unsafe spaces for Black people and people of color. Not the park, not the gym, not anywhere...But we have known this for some time. Safety of mind, body, and spirit are luxuries for some, not all. COVID19 is not making this any easier.​

CFHJ decided to make June 'Safe Spaces Month' to continue our discussions about wellness from #MentalHealthMonth, and preface our conversations for Mental Health Month for Black and Indigenous people in July.​ We shared "virtual" safe spaces, safe organizations, and safe practices as we navigate this largely unwelcoming environment. 


“Evening Screenings”

May 2020

Each Friday night at 8pm in May, Minority Mental Health Month, CFHJ screened and discussed a new film or documentary that addressed a different health justice issue. ​

Film has the power to change minds and save live, so we decided to highlight particular movies and documentaries that tackle health.